Announcement of the operation scheme of the conferences in the OPIC2020 23 Mar 2020
Due to the rapid worldwide spread of new coronavirus infections, each specialized conference in the OPIC 2020 decided to operate in the following adjusted scheme. Please check carefully the scheme of the conference where you will attend. More detailed explanation will be available in the website of each conference.
In the following description, “presentation video” means the file that is produced from Power Point by yourself and uploaded to the conference website ( before the submission deadline 7th April, 2020. You use Power Point to record a presentation talk at a preset slide-show timing in your PC. Then you convert the file to a video file in mp4 by export command of Power Point. Before uploading, please check the quality of voice and slide-show timing. We recommend to use a separate microphone rather than a PC microphone. Accepted speakers who submitted for “poster presentation only” are also requested to submit a presentation video the same as described above for oral presentations.
Please check also the specific conference where you will present a paper. The additional request may be set for your presentation video file.
With a few exceptions, all presentation videos will be uploaded to YouTube and Youku at “unlisted” property during the week of OPIC2020 (during 9:00 of April 20 – 17:00 of April 24, Japan time). All registered participants will have access to all archives from the registration accounts page, including presentations at meetings other than the one they registered for (more on this later). However, these archives are protected from downloading.
All registered participants can access the full abstracts of OPIC2020.
Plenary talks
The presentation videos of the plenary speakers, Prof. Gérard Mourou (Recipient of 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics) and Dr. Berthold Schmidt (TRUMPF Lasertechnik GmbH), will be available online. All registered participants can watch these on YouTube and Youku.
In these conferences, we will use the web conferencing system Zoom to stream presentation videos submitted by registered speakers who are unable to attend, and at the same time hold a live presentation somewhere in Japan. The places will be announced later. Presentation videos will be uploaded to YouTube and Youku. These archives can be accessed with a password. The details will be announced on their website or email.
In these conferences, we will gather presentation videos from registered speakers, and upload the files on YouTube and Youku. You can access those archives with a password. The details will be announced on their website or email.
In these conferences, the publication of the abstract will be officially regarded as the presentations by registered speakers. The details will be announced on their website or email.
In this conference, the publication of the abstract will be officially regarded as a presentation. Additionally, we will use the web conferencing system Zoom with registered speakers and participants who can join. The details will be announced on their website or email.
These conferences decided to cancel their meeting. The registration fee will be refunded. The details will be announced on their website or email.
Fumihiko Kannari, Chair, Steering Committee
OPIC 2020 will be held as an online virtual conference 13 Mar 2020
Due to the rapid world-wide spreading of the new coronavirus infections (COVID-2019), we have decided to hold OPIC 2020 not as an in-person conference as originally planned, but as an online virtual conference.
The OPIC 2020 will be comprised of a Plenary Session and 12 Specialized Conferences. (Three Specialized Conferences which were originally planned are cancelled.) Although we cannot communicate directly as we enjoy at the in-person meetings, this online conference, which is supported by many conferences, has several advantages: you can focus on the specific presentations you are interested in on your pc, you can attend the presentations at various sessions which are often difficult due to overlap in parallel sessions, and you can send questions and comments to the presenters. (Detailed account of this online conference will be announced by March 23.)
We would like to thank all who have submitted the papers and also the invited speakers who have kindly agreed to make presentations at OPIC 2020. Since we will make every effort to make this conference very useful to all participants, we hope most of you will participate in OPIC 2020 and strengthen our communication in spite of this difficult situation.
Yoshiaki Kato, Congress Co-Chair
Shuji Sakabe, Chair, Organizing Committee
Fumihiko Kannari, Chair, Steering Committee
OPIC Action Plan on COVID-19 (Coronavirus) 20 Feb 2020
20 February 2020
OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2020 (OPIC 2020) will be held, as planned, during 20–24 April at Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan.
Due to the COVID-19 (also known as coronavirus) outbreak, OPIC Organizing Committee is carefully monitoring the ongoing potential impact to our attendees. Japanese people are leading normal lives and there is no sense of urgency in Japan. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and the local governments are making every effort to isolate infected people, determine the route of infection, and reduce close physical contacts of the people.
We are fully committed to taking appropriate precautions to provide safe and healthy environment for attendees.
We will announce detailed information on OPIC2020 implementation by 20 March, 2020 at the OPIC Web site. We are looking forward to welcoming you in Yokohama!
Fumihiko Kannari, Chair, Organizing Committee
New Year’s Greetings 01 Jan 2020
With best wishes for a happy New Year!
OPIC2020 will be held 20-24 April 2020 at Pacifico Yokohama, in the beautiful season of fresh green in Japan. Fifteen specialized international conferences will be held at OPIC 2020 (the most since its start in 2012), with presentations on hot topics in many fields, from nano-photonics to space.
There are two scheduled plenary lectures: Prof. Gerard Mourou, 2018 Nobel laureate in Physics, will present “Passion for Extreme Light”, and Dr. Berthold Schmidt, CTO of TRUMPF Lasertechnik, will discuss “Market Perspectives and Applications driven by Laser Intensity and Functionality”. Many stimulating talks will also be presented by invited speakers at the specialized conferences.
We are very much looking forward to meeting you and exchanging the most up-to-date information on research and development at OPIC and the exhibition OPIE.

Congress Co-Chairs, OPIC2020